Airigami 8

Instruction Manuals


These instructions apply only to 8G aircraft, though there is significant commonality with 3G/4G/5G.
For Papier Avion 9G models, refer to the Papier Avion 9G instructions manuals.

Instructions A

Aircraft Types Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6:
  Main Landing Gear Engines Wings Tail Section Nose Landing Gear Fuselage
Airbus A320-210 (CFM-56 Engines) Type I Type I Type I Type I Type I Type I
Airbus A320-230 (IAE-V2500 Engines) Type I Type II Type I Type I Type I Type I
Boeing 737-300 Type I Type I Type I Type I Type I Type I
Boeing 737-700 Type I Type I Type II Type I Type I Type I
Boeing 737-800 Type I Type I Type II Type I Type I Type I
Boeing 737-MAX8 Type I Type I Type II Type I Type I Type I
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