FAQ: What is Papier Avion?

Papier Avion, or 9G, represents an evolution of the Airigami design. Introduced in 2018, Papier Avion is the latest generation of the classic Airigami design, though it also represents a fundamental re-thinking of the basic Airigami design principles. In particular, the design and construction of the fuselage is fundamentally different to the historical Airigami style. Nevertheless, many of the same design elements from Airigami Classic are retained.

The scale of Papier Avion varies depending on the size of paper used to print the models, and can be varied by altering the printing scale. However, printed at full-size, Papier Avion models are roughly 1:205. Learn more about scale here.

Papier Avion and Airigami.8 are largely compatible with each other. It is possible to build models that are “Airigami 8½” where you can easily substitute parts between each style of model. For example, it is possible to install Papier Avion engines on Airigami.8 models, and vice-versa. We recognize that there may be some aspects of each that each individual builder prefers. Both series are designed to the same scale and share many of the same attributes.

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