FAQ: What is the Difference Between the Different Generations?

Airigami has a long history. The very first Airigami models were hand-drawn, before the first attempt at digital design in 1999. The first Airigami models as we now know them were developed in 2002. This first generation was the first to be (somewhat) accurately scaled, but also the first to be available for download to a wider audience via the internet. The second generation of models followed soon after, and were essentially a “cleaned-up” version of the first generation. Since then, there has been constant improvement and upgrades to the Airigiami concept, culminating in our new twin series of Airigami.8 (the latest iteration of the Airigami design) and Papier Avion (a whole new approach to design and building), which are different variations and compatible with one another.

Series First Published Major Changes from Previous Series
First Generation 2002 First online publication of Airigami designs.
Second Generation (“2G”) 2002 General clean-up of template design.
Third Generation (“3G”) 2003 Standardization of canvas size to ensure consistency of scaling.
Re-designed landing gear and engines.
Airigami 1-2-3 2003 Two-dimensional, simplified, easy-to-build starter series.
Fourth Generation (“4G”) 2005 Improved image quality and less cluttered templates.
Fifth Generation (“5G”) 2006 Increased detail, improved image quality and streamlined templates.
Sixth Generation (“6G”) 2008 Increased detail, improved image quality and streamlined templates.
Seventh Generation TBD Potential relaunch of Airigami 1-2-3 as introductory easy-to-build series.
Eighth Generation (“Airigami.8”) 2020 Complete re-design using vectors. Introduction of different building style for wings. Some shared attributes with Papier Avion.
Ninth Generation (“Papier Avion”) 2018 Complete re-design using vectors. Introduction of different building style for fuselage, landing gear, engines, and wings. Some shared attributes with Airigami 8G.
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