Model Upload Centre

You must be registered and logged-in to upload models to Airigami X.
All models are reviewed and are hosted subject to our Terms & Conditions.

Please be aware that not all models will be accepted! All model submissions must meet the following guidelines:

  • Models must be designed on existing Airigami or PapierAvion templates. We do not accept any other formats.
  • Models must feature designs that currently or previously existed. We do not accept “fantasy” airlines, designs, or combinations. For example, we do not accept designs of “pretend” airlines, or non-existent combinations such as, for example, a Qantas Concorde or a British Airways Antonov.
  • Models must not infringe on anyone else’s copyright or intellectual property outside of the definition of Fair Use. You may not upload someone else’s design. For any design you upload, you will hold harmless Airigami and PapierAvion from liability.
  • Models must be original and not be simply “slight tweaks” of existing Airigami designs.
  • We generally do not accept models that already exist in the Airigami or PapierAvion collections. Note that any attempt to upload another person’s work (including models produced by Airigami or PapierAvion) will result in immediate suspension and possibly a ban.
  • We accept military designs only if they are “dual-use” aircraft, i.e., government or military designs of otherwise commercial aircraft. For example, a military Boeing 737 is acceptable, however an F-16 is not.
  • Models must meet a minimum threshold of quality, and should not be overly pixelated or poorly executed. It is difficult to define such a minimum level of quality, and so the management of the Airigami web site shall have sole discretion on judging the quality of any submission. Refer to our FAQ on quality for further guidance.
  • Once uploaded, a model will be deemed to be the property of Airigami and PapierAvion. Airigami and PapierAvion will not sell or otherwise market any uploaded designs. However, equally, no compensation shall be provided for any uploaded designs, which shall be provided by the user gratis.
  • Decisions by Airigami and PapierAvion regarding acceptance and continued hosting of any design shall be final.
  • We also kindly ask that users submit no more than 5 designs per day in order to avoid overwhelming our screening process.

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